Friday, May 26, 2006

Weigh-in .... Week 20

Last week I never did an official weigh-in, but had weighed early and had weighed after the fact, and both times showed the same results. I had gained 4 more pounds.

So, at week 19, I weighed 208.

Here were are at week 20, and I'm at 204. So, I've managed to drop 4 of the 8 pounds that I managed to gain again in the last couple weeks.

I'm happy to see it wasn't another big gain. I am trying my hardest to avoid the foods that taste so damn good, but are so damn bad. Of course, exercise has left my vocabulary. It's as if I don't even remember what that word means.

However, I did get a little bit of a "workout" in on Sunday while I worked outside in our flower bed. Had to do some weeding and get all the grass out and prepare it for more bulbs that we planned to plant. I was squating down because the ground was a bit damp and I didn't have anything to kneel, and I worked up a little sweat. Hey, it's something!! Better than sitting inside on my butt!!!!

So, we'll see if I can manage to start adding in more exercise here and there - even if it is just a walk around the block, or general walking/moving around outside while the kids play.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Forget this weekly crap

For the time being, I cannot keep weighing in weekly. It's bringing me down. I knew I gained this past week, so I avoided the scale like the plaque.

I actually got on tonight - and - yes, saw another 4 pound gain, which I am totally not documenting at this point. I am just starting my period, though, so I have a teeny tiny bit of an excuse. Other than that, it's all because I have little self-control when it comes to delicious food, and I have barely exercised a lick in weeks.

It sucks.

I'm thinking I may weigh-in every other week, or perhaps only when the mood strikes me. I'm not giving up; it's just going to be a very long road for me, but I have to look at the amount of weight I have already lost, and make sure I at least maintain if I can't manage to keep dropping the pounds for now.

It's not like I was going to get down to my goal weight one day, and then be able to return to my normal eating habits. This is a lifestyle change. I just need to be aware of what I'm putting into my mouth, and be aware of what exercise I may or may not be doing.

I still cannot wait to get down to 199 or less, but right at this moment, that gives me 9 pounds to drop. Seems I get ---->this<----- close to that goal, and then I fall back a few steps and keep getting pushed back farther and farther away.

Did I mention how much this sucks??

Friday, May 12, 2006

Weigh-in .... Week 18

Not good.

Gained 4 pounds back.

I hate this yo-yo crap.

Was a bad week in terms of eating ... I think I ate out 4 times. Ooops. And no working out, either. So I have no one but myself to blame. It's just been hard. Food is good.

Current Weight: 204

Friday, May 05, 2006

Weigh-in .... Week 17

I lost * 6 * pounds!!!!

I am now holding at 200 even.

I am ONE pound from my mini goal of getting below 200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell I'm excited??

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I *heart* the scale

I weighed in tonight because - well - you already know I don't have patience and have gotten on the scale the night before my official weigh-in several times before.

I won't say what I saw; not until I get the official results in the morning.

But, I'm smiling from ear to ear.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Is chocolate one of the 7 deadly sins?

If not, it should be.

This chocolate cake is worth every bit of fat in it.

I'll curse that blasted scale come Friday, and blame it all on that delicious, homemade, dark chocolate cake.