Thursday, January 10, 2008

So, here it is, my friends

It's '08 and I'm trying to do what I resolved I'd do; lose weight.

On the first of the year, I weighed myself. I didn't want to - what with all the holiday eating and the fact that I was expecting the monthly visitor and all.

The scaled stared back at me and said "Yep - you're a fatass!" ... 208.

WHAT?!? It didn't start my new year off very well, even though I had been bouncing between that number and about 10 pounds lower.

Whatever. I ate what I wanted and this week decided it's time to start buckling down a little bit more.

I weighed in last night, and then again this morning since that weight tends to be more accurate. And you know what, I'll take it. As my weight was 3 pounds LESS this morning than it was last night.

So, drumroll please ..... 196! My lowest ever. Well, not ever, but lowest since I hit my all-time high in 2005.

That'll put me in a better mood and improve my outlook towards losing more.


At 1/11/2008 9:56 AM, Blogger Mackey said...

Yay for you Sarah.....I need someone to light a fire under my fat ass.


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