Monday, April 03, 2006

The turmoil within

I'm still dealing with the turmoil that has stolen my appetite. Really, it goes in spurts. I will have a bit of an appetite for one meal, and by the next my gut is upset and my gag reflex is weak.

I did manage to eat better today, but very small meals. I did manage to get in 3 meals, though, which is a first since Thursday.

Curious, I got on the scale again and it's showing a 4 lb loss. I'm now 9 lbs away from hitting the 199 mark.

And to answer the question you are probably thinking - NO, the inner turmoil has nothing to do with my weight. I'm content with it, honestly. I mean, I would have rather seen a loss the past 2 weeks, but in due time, it will come off. I'm still feeling very sexy with losing the 23 lbs I did manage to drop (officially) so far. The turmoil is coming from something else - something I'd rather not speak about here, as I can barely file it and make sense of it in my own mind.


At 4/04/2006 10:19 PM, Blogger Dana, proud mommy of 3 said...

So are the pills working? That's awesome you're so close!

At 4/06/2006 12:45 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I stopped taking the pills after 4 days. I was doing 2 pills per day, and then I started taking 4 pills per day and it made me SO SICK. It was awful. I might try them again, but I will only be able to do 2 pills a day, I guess.

At 4/09/2006 3:38 PM, Blogger Dana, proud mommy of 3 said...

I started taking some too but they make me sick too...


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