Friday, January 27, 2006

Good lord, I could hurl.

Maybe exercising on a full stomach isn't the brightest idea. However, it did boost my energy level.

I did the "High Calorie Burn" which is a 2-mile walk. Phew! Now that was a workout. I was panting and sweating and all that wonderful I'm-fat-and-out-of-shape glory.

Now, if I can keep dinner and the 16oz glass of water I chugged down, we'll be set!


At 1/27/2006 10:31 PM, Blogger Dana, proud mommy of 3 said...

I love the WATP videos!!! Wait till you get to 3 miles!!! WOW! Good for you! I didn't get my exercise in....You're doing awesome!!!

At 1/28/2006 10:30 AM, Blogger KSHIPPYCHIC said...

That is what I love about my treadmill - I dont like the videos so much, but with my tread, I can crank up the tunes as loud as I want to and just walk walk walk, and set it to an incline. It keeps track of how many miles, and my hear rate so I know that what I am doing is working. And if I eat a little much at supper I can hop on it in the evening and burn it off which is especially nice here in the winter time when it is too cold to go outside! You just keep on trucking girly - you are doing sooooooooooooooo goood!!!!!


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