Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Getting Purrrrrty

Hubby and I have a date night this Saturday. I've been looking forward to this night for TEN months. Early last year we bought tickets to see Jeff Foxworthy. The show is Saturday night at 8, so the hubs and I will be going out to dinner beforehand and then topping the night off by pissing our pants, roaring with laughter.

So, I've had this night in the back of my mind all the time I've been losing weight. And I've made myself a mini goal of losing 15 lbs by the time our date night rolled around. As of my last weigh-in, I had dropped 10 lbs, leaving me praying for a big loss this week. We'll see on Friday what the scale has to say.

At any rate, I've also gone down a pants size. I, myself, can see a difference and to me that is a huge accomplishment in itself. We are all our own worst critic. I know I'm harder on myself than I should be, but I've come a long way since becoming a mother. It's amazing what motherhood will do to a woman. While I still don't have the incredible self-esteem that some may have - I have much more than my high school days.

Seeing this difference in my body - in what losing just 10 lbs has done for me - I have noticed a slight increase in my self-esteem again. I'm now thinking of ways to make me feel even better about myself, and get myself looking even better with my (slowly) transforming body.

Yesterday, I stole the idea from HippyChic, and had my eyebrows waxed. Today, I used my Walmart giftcards on ME for once (I have a bad habit of using giftcards I was given as a gift, for things for the house, the kids, etc) and left the store with $35 worth of makeup, face wash (to try and get rid of the "my-body-thinks-it's-13-and-going-through-puberty-acne") and hair gel (idea is to possibly scrunch my hair to give it a little wave).

I tried out the makeup at work and the woman from the salon next door came in; she looked at me and said "Wow, your eyes look really pretty today!" .... it was really nice to hear that. I could probably count on one hand how many times a year I wear makeup, and when I do, it's always very toned down/neutral. But it was nice to have someone notice AND comment.

I just can't wait to get down to my goal weight! When I do - I think I'll treat myself to some fancy makeup -- perhaps go to a fancy department store in the mall and have them do one of their makeovers.


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